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Netcoms Student Management Plan

1. Student Registration and Onboarding

  • Registration Confirmation: After students complete their registration, confirm their enrollment via email or SMS.
  • WhatsApp Group Creation: Create a dedicated WhatsApp group for each course batch. This should be done prior to the course start date.
  • Group Administrator: Designate group administrator (e.g instructor, class coordinator)
  • Setting Group Rules: Set clear group rules and ask students to make them sure.

2. Adding Students to WhatsApp Group

  • Group Addition: Add all registered students to the WhatsApp group as soon as their registration is confirmed.
  • Welcome Message: Send a welcome message in the WhatsApp group, introducing the course, instructors, and providing an overview of what to expect.

3. Pre-Class Engagement

  • Share Course Material: Distribute the initial course materials, such as the syllabus and introductory videos, within the WhatsApp group to engage students before the classes begin.
  • Announcements and Reminders: Post regular updates and reminders in the group about the course start date, preparatory tasks, and class schedule.

4. Class Access via Netcoms Website

  • LMS Access Instructions: Provide detailed instructions to students on how to access the Learning Management System (LMS) on the Netcoms website.
  • Class Link Availability: Ensure that the class links are available on the LMS, with clear directions on how to join the online sessions.
  • Reminder to Use LMS: Use the WhatsApp group to remind students to log in to the LMS for their classes and access any additional resources.

5. During the Course

  • Class Reminders: On class days, post reminders in the WhatsApp group, guiding students to log in to the LMS to join the session.
  • Ongoing Material Sharing: After each class, share relevant materials such as lecture slides, assignments, or additional reading in the WhatsApp group, and ensure they are also available on the LMS.

6. Post-Class Engagement

  • LMS Resource Upload: Regular check on assignments, and additional resources to the LMS for student access.
  • Follow-Up Communication: Use WhatsApp for follow-up communication and encourage students to revisit the LMS for any missed content.

7. Support and Queries

  • Dedicated Support Hours: Allocate specific hours when instructors or support staff will be available on WhatsApp to answer queries and provide assistance.
  • Encourage LMS Usage: Encourage students to regularly check the LMS for updates, assignments, and resources to stay on track with their learning.

This plan ensures seamless communication and engagement with students through WhatsApp, while utilizing the Netcoms LMS for structured class access and resource management