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Netcoms Teacher’s Policy


Teachers involved in online classes must adhere to specific Netcoms policies and fulfill various responsibilities to ensure a productive and respectful learning environment. Below are some common policies and responsibilities:

1. Professional Conduct

  • Maintain Professionalism: Teachers must uphold professional standards in communication, appearance, and behavior during online classes.
  • Respect and Inclusivity: Ensure that the online environment is respectful, inclusive, and free from any form of discrimination or harassment.

2. Class Preparation and Delivery

  • Lesson Planning: Prepare and share lesson plans, materials, and resources ahead of time.
  • Technology Familiarity: Be proficient with the online platforms and tools used for teaching.
  • Engagement Strategies: Use interactive techniques (e.g., polls, Q&A sessions) to keep students engaged.
  • Class Punctuality: Start and end classes on time, respecting students’ schedules.
  1. Advance Notice of Absence
  • Informing Management: Teachers must inform management at least 2 days in advance if they are unable to conduct a class. In case of an emergency, they should notify management as soon as possible to arrange for a substitute or rescheduling.

4. Teacher Camera Usage

  • Camera On Requirement: Teachers must have their cameras ON during the entire class to create a more engaging and interactive learning environment. This helps students feel more connected and allows for better communication and non-verbal interaction.

5. Student Support and Interaction

  • Clear Communication: Provide clear instructions, expectations, and timely feedback.
  • Availability: Be accessible to students for questions and additional support, possibly other than class timings.
  • Encourage Participation: Promote active participation and facilitate group discussions or activities.

6. Ethical Use of Resources

  • Copyright Compliance: Use and share only legally obtained resources and materials.
  • Data Privacy: Protect students’ personal information and respect their privacy during and after the course.

7.  Virtual Classroom Management

  • Enforce Rules: Set and enforce rules for online conduct, including chat etiquette and microphone/camera usage.
  • Address Misconduct: Handle any disruptions or inappropriate behavior promptly and professionally.

8. Continuous Improvement

  • Professional Development: Engage in ongoing training to stay updated with new teaching strategies and technologies.
  • Feedback Incorporation: Regularly seek and incorporate student feedback to improve the online learning experience.

9. Legal and Institutional Compliance

  • Adhere to Institutional Policies: Follow the specific policies and guidelines provided by the Netcoms Management.
  • Legal Obligations: Comply with all legal requirements related to online education, such as accommodations for students with disabilities.
  1. Camera and Microphone Usage
  • Camera On Policy: Require students to have their cameras on during the class to foster engagement and ensure active participation, unless they have a valid reason not to.
  • Microphone Etiquette: Students should mute their microphones when not speaking to minimize background noise, and unmute only when contributing to the discussion.

11. Attendance and Participation

  • Attendance Tracking: Take attendance at the start of each session and monitor active participation throughout the class.
  • Participation Expectations: Encourage or require students to contribute to discussions, ask questions, and collaborate in group activities.

12. Submission of Assignments

  • Timely Submission: Set clear deadlines for assignments and ensure students are aware of the consequences for late submissions.
  • Assignment Format: Specify the required format for submissions (e.g., file types, naming conventions) and the platform to be used (e.g., learning management system, email).

13. Class Recording and Distribution

  • Recording Classes: Record sessions for students who may miss the class or need to review the material later, ensuring students are aware that sessions are being recorded.
  • Access to Recordings: Provide access to recorded classes in a secure and organized manner, while ensuring that recordings are not shared outside the class without permission.

14. Use of Chat Functionality

  • Appropriate Use of Chat: Students should use the chat function for class-related questions or discussions only, and avoid off-topic or disruptive messages.
  • Monitoring Chat: Teachers should monitor chat activity and address any inappropriate use promptly.

15. Breaks and Time Management

  • Scheduled Breaks: Plan for short breaks during longer sessions to help maintain student focus and prevent fatigue.
  • Time Management: Manage the class time efficiently, ensuring that all planned topics are covered and there is time for student interaction.

16.  Assessment and Feedback

  • Fair Assessment: Design assessments that are fair, transparent, and aligned with learning outcomes.
  • Timely Feedback: Provide constructive feedback on assignments, projects within a reasonable timeframe.

17. Academic Integrity

  • Plagiarism and Cheating Policies: Clearly communicate the institution’s policies on academic integrity, including the consequences of plagiarism and cheating.
  • Proctored Exams: If applicable, use proctoring software or methods to ensure that exams are conducted fairly and honestly.

18. Technical Support

  • Tech Support Guidelines: Provide students with information on how to get technical support if they experience issues with the online platform or tools.
  • Contingency Plans: Have a backup plan in place for technical failures, such as alternative ways to deliver content or reschedule sessions.

19. Netiquette and Online Behavior

  • Respectful Communication: Encourage respectful and courteous communication between students and with the instructor.
  • Appropriate Language: Ensure that all participants use appropriate language in all forms of communication, including verbal, written, and non-verbal (e.g., emojis, reactions).

These Netcoms policies help to foster a structured and respectful environment, ensuring that our online learning experiences are engaging, professional, and conducive to effective knowledge transfer.